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so sleep alone tonight
Hello im ConnieYongyungjing.You've reached the place where i leave pieces of my thoughts. I enjoy everything i have, and love them as i can |
about this blog
Im young and im a happening person, so enjoy reading as i rant over stuffs :)
Shir Leen
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed Do credit accordingly if you changed the icon. |
i'd never thought
hello there ;)connie is officially SICK, thanks aloooot, cindy! -_- yuckk,being sick sucks terrible-ly! especially in school, thou i had my dear sujean to teman me :P she gave me panadol & i tried sleeping in sejarah class but failed? i hate lucy's voice! D: oh, & i went to the doctor and i ve got 7 diff meds to take! ;( practiced Phantom of the Opera during english, & as usual, was mostly playing around? leaving the blog dead for some time, will update when i ve got something :) & before i leave. Happy Birthday Gavin! :DD i know you since 8, and YET still annoying! enjoyyyyy :) im not over it,
i only wanted you. but if only you'd care. what if ?
peek-a-boo? iloveyou♥ expressions are decieved got back from curve bout 12 last night, mhmm, went for midnight movie with family ;) celebrating father's day! :D rushed & practically run-ed around curve to get daddy a perfect gift :P watched night in the museum 2 again in cineleisure? ;P hasnt get old,huh? &before i forget, happy birthday Ima! love you sexyyy, celebrating your sweeeeet 14th! :) we ve been awesome since friends when we re 8! rock my world, god bless with love <3 amanda texted me & told me something creepy? YUCK -_-' was talking to dear-y sujean bout iron man, HAHA,coming to cinemas soon the all new malaysian version 'Steel Man' :DD sounds so cool right? only cause malaysia cant afford iron that wouldnt rust, my new name: ConnieYongPekYew :) yess,its pretty lame, but funny lah,i like :) funnier,happier. signing off, XO! making up my day :)
hi :Dfeeling pretty tired now. *yaaawn thou,updating blog here :D mhmm, woke up bout 7 plus. shower, got ready and everything then fetched rae aly and sujean & off to SubangUtama :) reached there and kena marah for being late -_-' walked to court2,and coach reached in time, so wasnt late,okaay! :P using our skills with changing in public,and i got into my number7 jersey :DD trained awhile and friendly start, aikes, so F U N :P the rain damn potong la, then all rushed into coach's car, cramp like hell! ;P yes, we re fat! hahaha,coach brought us go makan had to plan some lame escape plan how to run out the car in the rain screaming all the way,HAHA & so talktalk bout boyfriend stuffs while eating, LOL,coach sibuk ar. laughed alot la,so was fun :D thenn, rae and aly walked back to my house. hanging around at the hall & aly went back, so, me & rae started talking all sorts of stuffs again :P rae went back bout 12, so i showered & rested awhile :) & here blogging. updates more tommorow! byee! ♥ your name is my melody
![]() you ve got me head over heels ♥ first week of school eversince school re-opened :D heh,it was greaaaaat, besides the fact of having bad results? yeaah,i ve got a C for sejarah! say hello to smartass here :P mhmm,rushed the end of my project today, before running off to school for meeting & was late anyway :P usual talks,more likely funny joking ones? :DD & before meeting end, the outgoing bods were like saying "all key officers fired" & in my mind was like "WHAAAAAAT?!" crazzzy,panicked like shit :P hahaha, changed my post from asst. IU director to asst. Public relation director :D same thing la,just cooler name :P mhmm,added new bods too. lilyan,vivian & ivy :D welcome? yeaah,meeting almost EVERY friday ;/ yuck ;P ooh,having a friendly with SU tomorrow, excited :D hope coach will be there! nothing more but the usuals, signing off, toodles! ♥ im no fish head,dummy ! when it all comes back to me
been staying up late for MANY days, seeing your face, thinking it backits killing me -_-' eye bags! been few days after school re-opened, mhmm,its okay ? getting back my results its BAD. D; too much distractions to me that sooner HAS to get off my mind. help me? :/ makes me remember why i wanted love.. your love. ♥ running off, catching her sleep ;) missing a certain PIG :( when the time comes
this picture has been removed by the owner. LOOK there, miss shiok sendiri,eh! :D MSSD ! youuu; PSP addict! hey there sexy one :) happy fourteenth birthday! iLOVEyou SO-o-o much! :D i know you do too ;P hahaha! big great shout out for you! first met you when i was 10 eh? :D so INNOCENT, konon! :P hahaha! love you weyy! :D enjoy being OLD! DEBORAH! :D summer says it all
hello :D
holidays are over? :( c'mon enjoying the last night! okay nyways, i ve done my sejarah folio! :DD UPDATES! :D been partying for past few days & its TOTALLY awesome :D wish i could 've it with my girls instead :/ BUT yeah,had drinking party with the form5s. feel so young? had alynna there with me thou :) underage,HAHA :P partied till 3? & the old people went mamak till 4 plus. came back bout 5 plus and seat around to talk. mervin anthony & kelvin stayed over ;P *beds are off limits okay! HAHA! watched the movie taken a few days ago at my house with sisters & mervin :D midnight movie till 2 plus, awesome show! :D woke up REAL late next day. :P finished up my folio! :D:D evening, rae came over! watch the nice parts of moulin rogue now! ;while blogging SWEET laa :)) rain stopped, went padang! F U N says it all! :D laughlaughlaugh all the way back with rae ! :P hehee,you know why! most about it there? done with my updates! ;) cant wait schoool! ta-ta, running off! ♥,connie! ://editted soft kiss
BOO there! :) was REAL busy past few days doing folio, gah. drive me crazyyyy! while was doing.. webcam-ed with Amanda :D ![]() hmm? been doing lots these days, feel like a GEEK ;P hahaha, science project then the play & folio -_- sound like the ultimate NERD of the year,right? :P kinda doing most of the stuffs on the comp &usually got carried away with stuffs like THIS; blogging! ;) ..because i love you so! okayyy; short upate! gotta go on 'concentrating' with my work, running off! ♥ when your happiness makes me feel the best ..cause i told you how much i'd hate it when you re down say what you want
hi?yeah,im back from penang :D its pretty hard to explain how it was,thou. upload pics some time other, will explain later on, pretty lazy now :DD TIRED; got back bout 5 and went court with Rae and Aly. played game,and got a big whack on my face by the ball. THANKS,suean. grr,hate you :P yikes, really wishing that mommy let the girls come over for sleep over :( she havent answer me, aaah :( SORRY! doing some science thingy with the girls over at my place tomorrow, finally meeting that sarcastic one! ;P miss you,idiot ! &phantom of opera play is driving me nuts. whereintheworld is my group laah? kill me -_- so, meeting at school foyer on tuesday, GROUPIE 3 :D please be there? :) time;not comfirmed *ask smartass kenneth getting so tired & feeling sicky. CURSE; signing off :) ♥, connie .. missing ;( you've got me
ALYNNA i owe you this! :D ♥
HAPPY 14th BIRTHDAY! short post cause i text you already. hehee, i love you so much & may you be blessed with everything you want! its not a dream
random! hey, so yeah. :) not much here,just the usuals :D going to the park with Rae and talking so much is F U N! :D miss it already lah! hehee ;P &grocery shopping with anthony is funny? hahaha. ooh,leaving for penang tomorrow. aah,damn. shall enjoy the holidays while i can ;) cant wait to back on sunday to know that someone is gonna be happy too :D uhm,so kay. MISS ME,people! :)) before i go, shall do this tag first. :P 1 . What have you been doing recently? going out with the girls,go park,online & doing folio -__-' 2 . Do you ever turn your handphone off? NEVER,unless i feel miserable 3 . What happened at 10am today? fetching anthony to bring him out for breakfast 4 . When did you last cry? uhh, i dont remember. im not EMOTIONAL :P 5 . Believe in Fate/Destiny? DEFENATELY 6 . What do you want in life now? happy with all i have ;) 7 . Do you carry an umbrella when it rains or just put up your hood? run for shelter then call someone for help :P 8. What's your favourite thing to do on bed ? sleep;day-dream. texting 9. What bottoms are you wearing now? shorts 10 . What are the nicest things in your inbox? messages? 11 . Do you tend to make relationships complicated? why would i? stupidd :PP 12 . Are you wearing anything borrowed from anyone? EWWW,no. 13 . What was the last movie you caught? night at the museum 2 14 . What are you proud of ? of everything i already have & more :) 15 . What does the oldest text msg in your inbox says and who is it from? for some reason cant post the actual oldest one,so its second oldest. :P 'She appear as busy. DON'T. its a waste of time. -.- haha,i don't seem to have the drive to online anymore :P' from sujean 16 . What was the last song you sang out loud? stay close,don't go by secondhand serenade 17 . Do you have any nicknames? TRUCKLOADS ! 18 . What does the newest text msg says and who is it from? 'yeap just now he text me :) he said i miss you' from rae 19 . What time did you go to sleep last night? 2.07 after sending the last text ;P 20 . Are you currently happy? Yeah,i always am especially when talking to 'Miss Negative' 21 . Who gives you the best advice? Me, Duhh :P 22 . Do you eat whipped cream straight from the can? i ve only tried once? 23 . Who do you talked to on phone last night? Anthony! he called me,haha :P 24 . Is something bugging you right now? ALOT :/ 25 . Who is the last person to make you laugh? Rae! 26.Do you like yourself? A whole bunch of! 27.You want $5 or $10? i ll need more than that,but $10 is satisfying ;) 28.Do you think you are stupid sometimes? i think? ask the ones around me :D 29.Who is your best best best friend? WAAAY too many, But if its that hard,then its just ME ;) 30.What will you do if you like that boy? we'll see when you know. 31.Who are your favourite stars? taylor swift & kris allen 32.You hate your mother sometimes in some ways? duhh, when she nags or dont let me out. 33.Do you had even stead before? huh? 34.what type of boy do you like? there are too many conditions to be all listed out ;P 35.Now are you single/attached? SINGLE! Pass this tag to 10 people ! 1. Rae 2. Ashley 3. Alynna 4. Ivy 5. Sujean 6. Seo Jinxian 7. Regina 8. Jasmine 9. Leonard 10. Jia Wen 1. Would you date number 5? I already do,right SAYANG? 2. Number 2 just got in a car crash. How do you react? i CRY? i ll miss you ;P hahaha 3. You see number 9 with your boy/girlfriend. What do you do? he is not gay,is he? ;P 4. You come home and your room has been ransacked by number 4. not a suprise :P 5. Number 1 is acting weird. NOPE,i love HER! 6. Numbers 3 and 8 decide to give 10 a haircut. i sense disaster! sorry for jiawen ;P 7. Number 7 just got tickets for him/her and you to go to a concert. aww,you're bringing me out? oh,sure! ;D 8. Number 10 takes you to a bar. LETS PARTY! :D 9. Number 4 has to move to the other side of the world. she'll bring me along :) RIGHT? :PP 10. You and number 8 are being chased by the cops for an unknown reason. lets hide in the cupboard! :D 11. Number 7 and you are sitting on the couch watching a movie when he/her wrap his/her arm around you. so compassionate :D i ll hug her til she's happy. 12. Number 5 asks you out to dinner. you're paying right? :D 13. Number 9 and you are sitting on a bus. where are you taking me to? a DATE! ;PP 14. Number 6 calls you in the middle of the night because he/she can't sleep. talk till we fall asleep :D 15. Your walking with someone and number 6 runs up and tackles you to the ground from behind. i ll smack your ass,seo :P 16. Number 1 is crying one day and you ask him/her why and it seems their boy/girlfriend has dumped them. we can always turn Lesbo :D 17. Number 2 offers to bake you a meal. As you sit in the other room, the kitchen is suddenly aflame. screaaaaaaam! 18. Number 4 comes to your door one day holding a koala. seems like her,so hug-a-ble! 19. Number 4 just got you an X-Box. in my sweetest dreams,she ll never. ;P 20. Number 9 challenges you to a children's card game! sounds like FUN! 21. Number 1 thinks he/she's overweight. NO,you're sexy lah kay! :D 22. Number 7 looks lonely! i ll take you home! 23. Number 2 asks you rudely to go leave her/him alone. okay.. if you say so? 24. Numbers 5 and 3 decide to throw a surprise party for you. whoah, bet its a BLAST. thankyou&iloveyou in advance! 25. Number 6 decide to dye their hair black. What do you say to that? it already is,right? 26. Number 2 tells you he/she is going to go out for a while, and then later you hear about a shooting where 2 went. why so mean lah? always ash got the accident :P but i ll just run out & see what happens :D 27. You catch number 9 by him/herself, crying. pujuk laah ;) 28. Numbers 1 , 3 , 5, and 6 all tackle you at once! Is it possible? say goodbye,im too ticklish ;P hello beautiful
GRR,this is a horrible one ;Pstart with last night :D texted Rae till 2 am,and then slept off. suppose to wake up and meet with the rest at padang but i overslept D: sorry,feel so bad. aah :/ meet Rae,Ash,Aly,Jas&Eun for breakfast then back to my house! :DD watched date movie and it is hillarious though so disgusting :x had so much fun bonding with them all! ;) now they re back home having lunch and shower! please,please,please. hope you girls can come my house after lunch, IM WAITING :D ♥ & a great big birthday wish to TEDDY, chook mei shun! :D i love youuuu, though not very close lah but we still talk. enjoy pretty hon,its your birthday so you re OLDER ;P hahaha, you and the powerpuff group too, ♥ you,MoJoJoJo! :) ..if there was something to be done diamonds everywhere
groupie! birthday girl ♥ happy early birthday,sexy alynna tan jia yi! shall make an official one soon,haha. hope you like the card with your official sexy-ness,Hon! iloveyou! quality time with ivy *ahem,my boyfriend little kid :P roaar! ;P haha,so many pictures uploaded. pheww,so tiring! get the pics from here lah,girls! i love you all SO-O-O much! :D been awesome time,you ve been the best! haa,i sound so dramtic. heck,but who cares. at least i show my love out loud! :P and am VERY PROUD of it ! BUT no picture with sayang sujean and suean laah, :( eeesh. more pictures next time :D && suean,send me pictures soon and you owe me 10 bucks! remember THAT! :PP okayyh.. now what? eeek,lazy to type out all the stuffs already. haha, but the movie night in the museum 2 is funny! :D awesome show. go watch it! :D uhm,so in summary i, shop shop shop around, meet the girls and celebrate and cake,then go arcade then shop somemore and home! pictures would probably fill you in already! :) enjoy, so tired. signing off, ♥,connie im thinking, im thinking, im thinking
;P eee,sayang. don emo :( the feel in it
had a whole bunch of OLDER peoples at my house yesterday for party :Dplayed the Circle of Death again and drinking ;P haha,damnn. it was FUN! the party before when cindy's birthday :P party yesterday night! happy belated alyssa tan! ;D i had a few shots only, so i was perfectly fine :D they left about 1, so had to clear up afetr that. eech,so tired then off to bed. now up and doing folio while updating blog to keep em breathing :D busy busy now! folio driving me nuts, haha. ta-ta! ♥ |